0.5-10kg Epoxy Resin Crystal EPL100. Resin can be used for applications that requires crystal clear, high gloss with no air bubbles cast. It is possible to cast 25mm at once for large objects or even more for small items. (containers depends on kit may not be full, but net weight is correct).
We provide FREE of charge 2x5ml transparent pigments. Great to work and use with our. Curing time: 12-24h at 20.C, (touch dry), 36h (cured). Convenient mixing ratio 2A:1B by weight. Working time 30-45min at 20.
T abletops, Worktops, Bar tops. If there is any problem with the order please let us know. But we need to know about the issue first. MANUAL is sent electronically (PDF) on the dispatch day - please double check SPAM folder.We strongly advise to perform test before undertaking main project.